Very pleased to announce that Maryland has a centralized website to post news and up-to-date information on our local and regional singings. MarylandShapeNote.org will host websites for local groups and has started publishing a small newsletter to hand out at local singings.
If you maintain a website about Sacred Harp and Shape-Note Singing, please add this website or update links to the individual singings on the front page.
Our first newsletter has been printed and are in the hands of local organizers to pass out at singings. It is also available on Archive.org. We will publish it quarterly in 2025 and asses at the end of that year if we will continue to publish it.
If you’re organizing an All-Day singing or any special events in the region, and you don’t see it on the Events calendar, please reach out.
Contact Isaac at BaltimoreShapeNote@gmail.com